Monday, April 26, 2010

Veet Cream Genital Area


"Reset" and the novel "clamp" by Karin Bertagnolli were presented on 23 April at the point of reading Mezzana. Thanks to all who participated, it was a beautiful evening!


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Sims 3 Registration Change

Romeo and Juliet.

"The violent delights have violent end, and in their triumph die, like fire and gunpowder, which you destroy the first kiss. The most delicious honey becomes tedious for the its very sweet, just like the taste for levarsene. Therefore love moderately: the love that is so hard. About a hurry, comes later as the person who starts to walk with the slower pace. "
(Friar Laurence: Act II, Scene VI)

Friday, April 16, 2010

How To Make Straight Tub Comfortable

The noblest form of beauty ...

" The noblest kind of beauty is that does not drag all of a sudden, that does not trigger attacks stormy and intoxicating (a beauty arouses easily nausea), but that creeps slowly, almost inadvertently takes him away and that one day you find yourself in a dream before, but in the end, after long lain modestly in our heart, seized completely us and fills my eyes with tears and the heart of nostalgia. "

Friday, April 9, 2010

How Do I Write A Letter Jay Z


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

How To Find Silver Wing In Shiny Gold

DELICIOUS: doubts and impressions!

... Here I am to write my first post NOT" disengagement ".. .
... I state that I do not love to write my impressions about something "under control" ... but I guess this time I have to do it!
As per task I created an account on Delicious ... I have to admit that it was a pleasant surprise!
I find it very useful being able to access their "favorite" stations even less common for the PC, especially in my case ... having computer & Co. scattered ubicumque ... eheh!
I find much smaller "indispensable" to the fact that my list of sites to be accessible and viewable to the other ... this is because, although it may be useful and interesting peek at the preferences of others, you should also protect from prying eyes (because they reflect the personal habits of a person), that's all.
And here is the link of my bookmarks on Delicious peek ... well ... ahahahaha.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Lip Discolouration In Dogs

Dance ♥

DANCE: the only thing I could do for hours and hours "saziarmi" never.

(Passion, dance recital 2008)

Thursday, April 1, 2010

How To Build A Horizontal Slatted Wood Fence

You can actually read my mind??! Maybe ...

Ehh ... I'll be repetitive, but every time I read an article which speaks of thought, mind and brain can not do it just not posted here in the blog ...
Tell me, what's more fascinating than the human mind?! What intrigues most of what is still partly unknown?! You can never really read minds?!
Happy reading:)

"So you can read minds"
Adele Sarno
For the first time a group of London scientists have used scanners for magnetic resonance imaging to 'read minds'. This was possible because in the study were identified traces of memory 'fixes' visible and measurable in the brain
soon have to pay attention to what's on our mind, because with the help of a scanner, you can read his thoughts. These in fact may leave behind visible and measurable in the brain. The experiment has succeeded to a team of researchers at the University of London, which recorded the brain activity related to different types of memories. With an apparatus for functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), which is normally used to monitor the activity of various organs, the researchers analyzed the mental processes that occur in the lumbar region of the brain storm and noted that the memories they leave a sort of permanent mark that can be deciphered. In other words they are able to identify the footprint of a memory that stimulates thought. The work is based on the so-called "memory traces", whose existence is accepted by almost a century but whose mechanisms, nature and location remain largely a mystery. This study, published in Current Biology
, try to understand the mechanisms by using the "episodic memory". In the experiment, scholars have undergone six women and four men, mean age of 21 years, the projection of three different film clips, each lasting seven seconds. All the films were similar and showed a number of people engaged in normal daily activities: post a letter, have a coffee, walk. After watching the participants described, upon request, what they remembered scenes hardly seen. At that moment came into action the 'scanner' that monitored the memory traces left in the brain. In the second part of the test, volunteers had to remember random clips while they were subjected to resonance. In half the cases, the computer could predict what would they say. This happens, the researchers said, because the traces of memory associated with each clip remained unchanged for the duration of the experiment, suggesting that these were "fixed." Thus, the functional magnetic resonance imaging machine, recording the 'memory traces' has proven to be able to read minds. But, added the researchers, the traces of memories for each of three projections were similar in all participants. "Although the brain patterns were generally different for each individual, there is considerable similarity in the hippocampal areas activated by the memory," write the study Always the same team of neuroscientists at University College London had already been shown to be able to 'see' thoughts di una persona posta in una situazione di realtà virtuale. “La ricerca è un passo in avanti, ma è ancora una tecnica in fase embrionale e va sviluppata in futuro”.
(Marzo 13, 2010)