Me and Karin Bertagnolli the presentation of our books "Reset" and "vice" to the library Ortles of Bolzano.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Where Can I Buy Kirkland Makeup Brushes
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Age Of Empires 2 No Cd Patch 2.0a
What 'color' are you? Opss, humor ...
Have you ever wondered why some days the clothes in general are your favorite vederveli just can not get back in?! Ever wonder why the advertising is the most popular one color over another?! Well, if you happened to ask yourself these questions, I recommend you read this interesting newspaper article taken from "the" which explains how the colors are in part an expression of our mood ...
Happy reading!
The color reflects the mood of the joy is yellow, gray depression
Sara Ficocelli
favorite color is blue but not depressed gray. The University of Manchester researchers have investigated the relationship between mood and color. Gray, yellow and blue were the options. Who is sick and chooses the cool tones who is well hot. But this kind of non-verbal communication may be the key to the diagnosis of certain diseases
Feelin 'blue'? Wrong, if you're depressed, your color is gray and if you feel cheerful yellow. A study published in the journal BMC Medical Research Methodology proof that the colors you choose can be a mirror of our mood. Our emotions would be short, "colored" and there would be a definite link between our mental state and the opportunities of the scale cromatica.L 'survey was conducted by Peter Whorwell at the University Hospital South Manchester: "Studying the colors is a way as any to measure levels of anxiety and depression, which is independent But the language. " A method of analysis more instinctive in short, because it is based on immediate mental associations, which is why scientists stress the usefulness of this system for diagnosing diseases in children and patients who have difficulty communicating. The association between color and mood has always been part of our cultural heritage, so that to refer to emotional states often use the colors to be green with envy or black rage are ways of saying that blend folk wisdom and scientific truth and that is to investigate the latter aspect that the British researchers have started studying the color wheel, taking part in healthy individuals concerned and partly depressed or anxiety problems. Scientists have developed 105 healthy adults, 110 and 108 anxious depressed in front of a chromatic scale of 38 options, and based on red, orange, green, purple, blue, yellow, pink, brown, black, white and gray. The colors were distributed on a wheel and each person was asked to indicate which key to seeing its most common state of mind. Depressed I chose a gray scale, healthy people of a yellow. Among cool colors the most popular "Blue 27", slightly darker than the traditional one, while the "yellow 14" has depopulated between those who have no particular mood problems. In the second part of the study were asked to 204 healthy volunteers to divide the colors into positive, negative and neutral, and to indicate the preferred. Only 39% of them associated to a color your mood and 20% of those who have opted - once again - the "yellow 14". Only 10% of healthy people have described their mood with the gray, according to scholars and this is because our brain instantly associated the state with an area of \u200b\u200bthe chromatic scale, communicating with the outside world through colors. "This which is really interesting - he said Whorwell - is that despite having always associated the color to our mood, a real study on this relationship has never been done. "The scientist also mentioned the importance of nuance: a blue light for example, indicates a very different choice than the dark blue. "I am currently working on patients with irritable bowel syndrome, and very anxious. I hope the color wheel can be used to understand their response to psychological treatments: There are times when words do not serve and non-verbal methods are more effective. "With the colors could be short, according to the scholar, to cure many types of diseases. "We have in hand a new tool for gaming and research - concludes Whorwell - everything is now to seek out the endless possibilities of application. "Colour therapy, however, already exists and is an alternative medicine that uses color to cure diseases. Their use is normally governed by principles similar to those that lead us to choose the color of a garment or the color of the walls of the house, so as to favor or oppose a certain state of mind. According to this type of medicine, the colors help the body and mind to regain your natural balance and have physical and psychological effects that can stimulate the body and soothe your symptoms. chromotherapic No practice, however, has never exceeded a controlled clinical trial, which allows the system to verify the actual effectiveness, and often episodes of healing have been associated with the placebo effect.
(February 10, 2010)
Sara Ficocelli
favorite color is blue but not depressed gray. The University of Manchester researchers have investigated the relationship between mood and color. Gray, yellow and blue were the options. Who is sick and chooses the cool tones who is well hot. But this kind of non-verbal communication may be the key to the diagnosis of certain diseases
Feelin 'blue'? Wrong, if you're depressed, your color is gray and if you feel cheerful yellow. A study published in the journal BMC Medical Research Methodology proof that the colors you choose can be a mirror of our mood. Our emotions would be short, "colored" and there would be a definite link between our mental state and the opportunities of the scale cromatica.L 'survey was conducted by Peter Whorwell at the University Hospital South Manchester: "Studying the colors is a way as any to measure levels of anxiety and depression, which is independent But the language. " A method of analysis more instinctive in short, because it is based on immediate mental associations, which is why scientists stress the usefulness of this system for diagnosing diseases in children and patients who have difficulty communicating. The association between color and mood has always been part of our cultural heritage, so that to refer to emotional states often use the colors to be green with envy or black rage are ways of saying that blend folk wisdom and scientific truth and that is to investigate the latter aspect that the British researchers have started studying the color wheel, taking part in healthy individuals concerned and partly depressed or anxiety problems. Scientists have developed 105 healthy adults, 110 and 108 anxious depressed in front of a chromatic scale of 38 options, and based on red, orange, green, purple, blue, yellow, pink, brown, black, white and gray. The colors were distributed on a wheel and each person was asked to indicate which key to seeing its most common state of mind. Depressed I chose a gray scale, healthy people of a yellow. Among cool colors the most popular "Blue 27", slightly darker than the traditional one, while the "yellow 14" has depopulated between those who have no particular mood problems. In the second part of the study were asked to 204 healthy volunteers to divide the colors into positive, negative and neutral, and to indicate the preferred. Only 39% of them associated to a color your mood and 20% of those who have opted - once again - the "yellow 14". Only 10% of healthy people have described their mood with the gray, according to scholars and this is because our brain instantly associated the state with an area of \u200b\u200bthe chromatic scale, communicating with the outside world through colors. "This which is really interesting - he said Whorwell - is that despite having always associated the color to our mood, a real study on this relationship has never been done. "The scientist also mentioned the importance of nuance: a blue light for example, indicates a very different choice than the dark blue. "I am currently working on patients with irritable bowel syndrome, and very anxious. I hope the color wheel can be used to understand their response to psychological treatments: There are times when words do not serve and non-verbal methods are more effective. "With the colors could be short, according to the scholar, to cure many types of diseases. "We have in hand a new tool for gaming and research - concludes Whorwell - everything is now to seek out the endless possibilities of application. "Colour therapy, however, already exists and is an alternative medicine that uses color to cure diseases. Their use is normally governed by principles similar to those that lead us to choose the color of a garment or the color of the walls of the house, so as to favor or oppose a certain state of mind. According to this type of medicine, the colors help the body and mind to regain your natural balance and have physical and psychological effects that can stimulate the body and soothe your symptoms. chromotherapic No practice, however, has never exceeded a controlled clinical trial, which allows the system to verify the actual effectiveness, and often episodes of healing have been associated with the placebo effect.
(February 10, 2010)
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
How Should I Clean My Bluetooth
"Melancholy is the happiness of feeling sad"
There is an illusion only when it is said that he had forgotten something, you forgot someone ... you can not forget.
You can overcome something, you can go further, you can think of nothing else: But do not forget!
We are "animal" acts to remember ...
But that's okay, it must be so because it is the memory of past events and sorrows passed us grow.
Melancholy is necessary ... sometimes serves the underlying sadness that emerges when you stop to think, in the words of Victor Hugo: "Melancholy is the happiness of feeling sad" .
we should not try at all costs happiness always: there is nothing more miserable that Ossanna a fake happiness. Suffering incidentally is a sort of need for the body, because it is through it that we can become aware of a new state.
rammaricatevi So if you are sad sometimes, perhaps, in those moments, you're just more aware of your being ...
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Vid Of Guy Getting Raped
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