If anyone has read my first post will surely understand that investigate the human mind is one of the things I like most do ...
In this connection I would like to offer you today an interesting and unusual article I've read about it on Repubblica.it empathy women (if we may so call it ...).
PS. Boys, eh no offense, but we women are tropoooo "forward" ... hahaha!
Happy reading:)

that women are more empathetic than men is not a mystery. But able to recognize an error in 200 milliseconds is a discovery that is owed to the National Council for Research and the University of Milano-Bicocca. The secret is in the "mirror neurons" that recognize inappropriate actions in a short time. And they do it because they work not allowing a communication language between the brains. In practice act in this way: if what you do is similar to what I could do myself, then I'm like you. And so, according to researchers, our choices not only obey the criteria of rationality. But, in some cases, depend on neural processes that are activated when we observe an action 'wrong' leading us, for example, include the ability to not imitarla.Per Women's first man to identify a mistake, the research team of Alice Mado Proverbio, University of Milano-Bicocca with Federica Riva and Alberto Zani Institute of Bioimaging and Molecular Physiology (IBFM) of the National Research Council of Milan has the potential bioelectrical brain in humans in search of 'mirror neurons', previously identified in monkeys by recording from single cell. The group samples were hundreds of images depicting people while they perform an action belonging to the normal behavioral repertoire of the human being by putting them in conflict with no other purpose. Take a bath, write a recipe or toast, paired with the other purposes incomprehensible, like standing on one leg in the desert, sucking on a straw placed in the sump of a car or open an egg with an ax. "Monitors - explains Mado Proverbio - was not asked to evaluate the appropriateness of the scenes, but to respond to the emergence of urban or natural landscape in order to avoid decision-making guided by subjective variables, such as ethics or morals" . According to the results, published in Neuropsychologia, automatic recognition of images with purpose and distinction from those inappropriate took place in 170-200 milliseconds (ms) post-stimulus, especially in the female brain shows that faster processing. And in particular: "After about 450-600 ms is observed the peak of the negative response to the improbable and inappropriate gestures, with a connotation of this reaction more emotional than rational man and the woman." "You know - explains the researcher Alice Mado Proverbio - which shares with this, how to collect the fruit to eat, activate the" mirror neurons "to a greater extent than less salient gestures, for example, achieve a result without picking it or pick it up and then throw it away. " And therefore the data suggest a greater female susceptibility to the actions inconsistent and provide new evidence of the existence of 'mirror neurons' in humans, as well as in primates, and their role in complex social behavior of imitation, learning and assessment of appropriateness.
(March 8, 2010)
http://canali.kataweb.it/salute/2010/03/08/pochi-istanti-per-capire-un-errore-cosi-i-neuroni-specchio-aiutano- the-women-
(March 8, 2010)
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