Friday, March 12, 2010

Maria Olivia Recart Bhp Billiton Email

eyes and observe the brain reprocess the images. But the reality is not as it appears, is the art of ' optical illusion to make it seem "real."
An optical illusion is any illusion that deceives the human eye, making him feel something is missing or making perceived differently something that is present.
may occur naturally or be demonstrated by specific tricks that show particular assumptions of the visual human.
According to the cause, in the illusions we can discern three broad categories:
1) optics, when caused by purely optical phenomena and is therefore not dependent on human nature;
2) perception, as generated by the physiology of ' eye, as the posthumous images which can be seen after closing his eyes fixed image is very bright;
3) cognitive, due to the interpretation that the brain images. A typical case is impossible figures and paradoxes of perspective.
That said, I propose then a nice journey into the fascinating world of optical illusions, and biased perceptions of all that our eyes think they see ...
Sight is our most important sensory system. It is estimated that eighty percent of the information received by the brain comes from this sense. Receptors are the organs of vision eyes. Even if the eyes are the same each of us has a privilege in the brain that process information, this is called eye dominante.Per perform a simple experiment to find out: Join the thumb and forefinger of one hand to form a ring is located about 30 cm from the nose trying to aim at a distant object looking at him through the two fingers with both eyes, then alternately aperti.Chiudendo eyes will notice that when they close on a particular item is clearly visible between the two Chudo fingers while the other object will be moved to the right or left. Well you have your eye closed when the object is not visible between the fingers is your dominant eye!
Perception is the next step in the takeover after the eyes have converted to light stimuli in neural information our brain must encode this information internally to rebuild the image that eyes have acquired and interpret it in order to extract useful representations of the world around us.
In the retina forms an inverted image, but since our childhood, the brain learns to flip this picture to interpret it correctly. Among other things, this picture is a representation of a two-dimensional image of the world around us is three dimensional instead. The interpretation of the world so it's a translation in another form a transposition of reality: the brain reorganizes and adds subtracts encoding sensory information that's come to provide the most accurate interpretation of the outside world. We all perceive the information that we collect from the outside world not as isolated facts, but we group them in meaningful contexts (first principle of visual perception).
Another fundamental principle of organization is the perception of figure-ground, the tendency to distinguish a figure from its background and vice versa. In other words looking at an image we perceive the object that is in the foreground as the main figure and what is behind the background. But when the clues are sparse or equivocal our minds may have difficulty in deciding what form and shape give it the meaning that the background color.
Did you know that your eyes have blind spots?
Each eye contains an area that has no photoreceptors because at that point lies the optic nerve. You do not notice the lack of this area because this area are located at opposite points of view. We begin to familiarize yourself "practice" with the eye and its operation by the blind spot idividuazione ...

Close your left eye and right-down cross. At about 30 cm from the screen, the black dot should "disappear" leaving in its place a white area. Fact, the brain tries to fill the empty space with background as well as the most likely inferred from the surrounding space.
A confirmation of what has been said you can have with this other picture ...

The X will disappear and the brain sostitusce with a black bar continues ... surprised?!
We continue now with the geometric illusions ! Examples of cognitive illusions where the geometry of the image is perceived erroneously or part of it. The effect can be caused by the fact that an area of \u200b\u200blight color tends to be perceived as a wider area of \u200b\u200bthe same dark color.
This principle is used in architecture to increase or decrease the height or the apparent size of rooms or facades choosing appropriate colors.
Another cause is due to the tendency of the brain to estimate an effect size based on prospective or on comparison with nearby objects. In
cinematography is frequently the use of tricks of illusion geometric objects to represent large or small objects using small models. For example you can appear on stage simply by putting their huge dinosaurs small models very close to the lens photography.

The two circles have the same diameter as the central orange?!

Jastrow Illusion: The two figures are the same size.

... we will now move to ambiguous figures ! The figures that you will prove to have more than one interpretation because it provides summaries of the elements that make it possible to consider the image as if it were a three-dimensional object but they are not sufficient to draw an exact spatial arrangement or a right angle. To see which objects that have the characteristic of having two equally probable and possible provisions and the feeling that there will continue to set the designs will be that of a "swing" continues between the two interpretations.

wife or mother-in-law?!

What is the sound that leans more towards us?! The upper or lower?!

see a seal or a donkey?!

In illusions completion there is the perception of parts of images that do not really exist. In some cases the nature of the problem is physiological, as the illusion of the Hermann grid and scintillating grid. This effect is explained by the neurological process called lateral inhibition. The perceived intensity of a point is given by a single neuron, but several central neurons give a signal which is partially inhibited by the surrounding neurons. Since the intersections surrounding area is generally more clear than in the case of lines, the central area appears darker. Other illusions are non-existent image produced by the mind, as in the Kanizsa triangle or the illusion of Ehrentein.

grid Herman.

Illusion Ehrentein

continue this journey with impossible objects ... They are not objects exist in reality but only in two-dimensional representations. They are in fact covered by the present geometric observer of the curious paradoxes.

Very funny are illusion of apparent movement ! They are figures that give the impression of being in motion. The movement obviously is imperceptible of our eyes, which makes the image "fluid" ...

If you think that everything is in motion apparently have lifted a little too much to drink today ... hahaha! Joke ... all normal ...

Fixed the central image and move your head back and forth. Will seem to perceive that the outer circles rotate.

I geometric paradoxes are able to keep us in bocc'aperta! When our mind processes of two-dimensional images and try to recreate a three-dimensional environment as a result of the figures can be created that make fun of the paradoxes of perception.

In this image the "monster" that the three-dimensional representation should be more distant from us looks bigger ... even if the two shapes are the same ...

Very special are also whole series of illusions grouped under the name of aftereffects! it is Indeed, images, sensations, which occur when the eye is affected by this ongoing stimulation!! That is, those are images that appear when, for example, looks long a source of light, or very strong colors.

Try to follow these simple instructions ...
stare at the bulb Black lampafina depicted at the bottom, for about thirty seconds. Try not to look away from the center of bulbo.Immediatamente gaze shifted to the right, in white, the design: you should see the sparkle light bulb!

This ghost image that you see in the white sparkle of the design is called "afterimage". When you focus on the bulb drawn in black, the photoreceptors of light (whose job is to convert light into electrical impulses) in your retina respond to the stimulus and so the neurons receive impetus from these photoreceptors. As you continue to fix the design, these photoreceptors are desensitize (is "tired"). So the photopigment of the retina is 'tired' by a stimulus costante.Questa desensitization is stronger for the cells that see the brightest part of the design, and weakest for those who see the parties more ax. Then, when you move your gaze on a white sheet, the cells less 'tired' are better than others, producing the brightest part of a ghost: a light bulb! Among other things, is the negative afterimage of what you had seen before: the black becomes white and vice versa. The desensitization of the retina may be important for survival! In fact, the brain tends to ignore a continuing stimulus, in favor of a constantly changing, as more deserving of attention is the stimulus that identifies something that moves, rather than a still image !

Now, pass me that, even if some "blasphemous" ...

stare at the four dots that blacks are at the center of the drawing, for about thirty seconds. Immediately shifted his gaze on a blank sheet of paper, or rather wall e. ..

... shocking is not it?!

Finally I would just look around ... nature itself is a rich source of very strange illusions and special! What about animals that are camouflaged by leaves, branches, disguising or hiding it in their environment?! It is also not uncommon to come across landscapes in which some details give the impression of 'look' to something else ...

Lake In Burma (Myanmar) is an odd optical effect produced once a year, when the sun is reflected in the rocks of the area. If you do not see it at first, turns his head to the left and you will see clearly to a man and a child praying.

If you managed to get to the end, you'll most probably a big headache ... eheh! Do not worry ... it's a classic optical illusions can ... have this effect; quiet anyway ... is transient! At least I hope you liked them:)


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